Celiac is an autoimmune disease that causes a reaction in the digestive system when people with the condition consume gluten. Eating gluten causes an immune response that leads to inflammation in the small intestine. Repeated exposure damages the lining of the intestine.
Celiac is an autoimmune disease that causes a reaction in the digestive system when people with the condition consume gluten. Eating gluten causes an immune response that leads to inflammation in the small intestine. Repeated exposure damages the lining of the intestine.
Celiac is an autoimmune disease that causes a reaction in the digestive system when people with the condition consume gluten. Eating gluten causes an immune response that leads to inflammation in the small intestine. Repeated exposure damages the lining of the intestine. As the damage occurs, it becomes more difficult for the body to absorb nutrients which can lead to malnutrition.
Children with celiac disease may fail to grow as expected, have delayed puberty, and experience other complications. Adults with celiac disease can experience severe damage to the small intestine over time and need surgery to repair or remove the damaged areas.
What are Autoimmune Diseases?
Autoimmune diseases can affect nearly any part of the body. Celiac disease affects the digestive system. An individual with an autoimmune disease will have an immune system that overreacts to healthy normal cells and substances within the body that would usually cause no harm.
In autoimmune disorders, the immune system mistakes healthy tissues as a risk and attacks them to protect the body.The immune system response causes inflammation to put distance between the perceived threat and the surrounding tissue. Chronic inflammation is what causes pain and damage to people with an autoimmune condition.
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The cause of celiac disease is a mistake and overreaction of the immune system in response to gluten. In this instance, the body misidentifies gliadin, a substance in gluten, as a threat.
The misidentification occurs in the gut when the individual consumes products containing gluten. The body responds by causing inflammation in the intestines. The swelling then causes the painful symptoms people experience.
Most of the Celiac Disease Treatments NY doctors recommend address only the symptoms. Celiac disease causes multiple symptoms, and most people with the condition will experience many symptoms with every flare-up. The severity of the reaction and the variety of what people experience can depend on age, the accumulated damage to the digestive system, and other health factors.
Age also plays a role in the symptoms of celiac disease. Children can experience all the problems adults feel but have additional risks. Young patients can have learning difficulties, seizures, ADHD, a failure to thrive, and delayed puberty. Common symptoms for all celiac patients include:
Anyone with celiac disease must adhere to a gluten-free diet to reduce the risk of experiencing symptoms. Gluten sensitivity may continue after treatment. Staying gluten-free is challenging because it is in many unexpected foods and products. French fries, communion wafers, and many supplements and medications can contain gluten.
Balancing the immune system is one of the most important natural treatments for people with celiac disease. A balanced immune system is less likely to respond incorrectly to non-threats. Treatment methods that correct the immune system will also boost its effectiveness to enable people to stay healthier.
Treatments for the immune system will include a more nutrient-rich diet. A better diet is necessary for all health plans, but especially for celiac patients because of the risk of malnutrition from intestinal damage. Addressing malnutrition can prevent or reduce the risk of many future medical concerns. Additional treatments to balance immune system response include relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation. Stress can affect the gut and cause hormonal imbalances that may affect the immune system. Reducing overall stress can benefit many people.
Natural treatments will also include supplements and herbal remedies to help heal existing damage in the digestive system. Acupuncture can benefit many people, and exercise helps to lower stress and boost immune system health.
Get a Custom Celiac Disease Treatment Plan
Many people with celiac disease feel helpless about controlling or overcoming their condition. Each person will have unique symptoms and respond differently to a treatment. Dr. Dana Cohen creates a custom treatment plan for every patient to address their needs. Dr. Cohen will look for lifestyle changes, allergic reactions, and nutritional needs to ensure the treatment meets all individual needs.
Wellness requires thorough diagnostic testing, a medical history review, and discussions with the patient to understand their lifestyle and symptoms. The treatment plan allows the patient to take more control of their health and recovery. Every individual will play an active role in their wellness journey.
As an experienced, licensed doctor, Dr. Cohen trusts and uses traditional medical treatments. She combines these methods with proven functional holistic medical solutions for the most effective and safe solution possible. Every treatment plan used by Dr. Cohen addresses the patient's environmental stresses, emotional health, and physical needs. Call today to schedule an appointment to learn more about the options available
Please contact Dr. Cohen today!
Dr. Dana Cohen, MD
317 West 54th Street, Suite D. New York, NY 10019
(212) 787-1877
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317 West 54th Street, Suite D New York, NY 10019 (212) 787-1877
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