Hypothyroidism Treatments NYC by Dr. Dana Cohen MD

Hypothyroidism Treatments NYC by Dr. Dana Cohen MD

Natural Remedies for Hypothyroidism in Manhattan NY 10019

Contact Dr. Cohen

Hypothyroidism Treatments NYC by Dr. Dana Cohen MD

Natural Remedies for Hypothyroidism in Manhattan NY 10019

Thyroid disorders are complex and often misdiagnosed or undiagnosed altogether.

Contact Dr. Cohen

Thyroid disorders are complex and often misdiagnosed or undiagnosed altogether.

What is Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland fails to release enough of its hormone into the body. The thyroid gland is at the center bottom of the neck below the voice box. When it works properly, the gland should consistently release hormones into the system. An underactive thyroid slows the metabolism and can lead to a variety of problems for the person experiencing the slowdown. Hypothyroidism treatment helps an underactive thyroid become active again.

Levels of Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a widespread problem and can affect all genders and ages. Most people that experience the issue have mild symptoms as their thyroid has only slowed its production of hormones. These people may feel cold because their body struggles to maintain their temperature. Fatigue is also a frequent problem with mild Hypothyroidism. Unexpected weight gain and muscle aches and weakness can occur.

If the thyroid gland becomes more inactive, the symptoms become more severe. Tiredness may worsen to anemia, and the person may struggle to complete their daily routines. Brain fog or confusion can occur. The hair, skin, and nails may look dull and become dry. People may experience a loss in libido, menstrual cycles become irregular, and tingling in the hands and fingers could begin.

Severe cases of Hypothyroidism, when the gland nearly stops production, can cause traumatic side effects for the patient. Chest pain, a slowed heart rate, and poor memory and concentration begin as the condition worsens. People may look ill with puffy faces and thinning eyebrows. The voice of patients with the problem may become hoarse.

Natural Remedies for Hypothyroidism can help patients but are most effective when caught before the gland becomes too inefficient. Anyone with a thyroid disorder should see some improvement in their condition with the use of natural remedies. Dr. Cohen also prescribes traditional and non-traditional forms of Thyroid replacement therapy. she will determine what is best for your particular type of hypothyroidism.

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Common Symptoms

  • Low body temperature
  • Poor memory
  • Low energy
  • Fatigue
  • Depression/anxiety
  • Immune dysfunction
  • Weight gain/loss
  • Thinning hair
  • Constipation
Experienced Hypothyroidism Treatments NYC Dr. Dana Cohen MD. Proven Natural Remedies for Hypothyroidism in Manhattan NY 10019.

Common Causes of Hypothyroidism

Thyroid issues often happen because the immune system operates incorrectly and attacks the gland. Some problems begin at birth, and others develop as people age.

Older patients experience Hypothyroidism more frequently because the operation of the gland slows as people age. There are many other ways people may experience Hypothyroidism. Dr. Dana Cohen can determine the cause of the illness to help improve the effectiveness of the treatment plan.

  • Illness: Congenital thyroid disease can happen at birth. Cancer of the thyroid, conditions like Hashimoto's Disease and Grave's Disease could affect the operation of the thyroid. Injury or other damage to the pituitary gland could also affect the thyroid because it produces a hormone that stimulates the thyroid to release its hormone.
  • Medication and Treatment: Some medications can affect the thyroid and cause it to slow production. Common prescriptions that interrupt thyroid production include those that treat psychiatric conditions and certain types of heart medication. Cancer treatments, particularly radiation, can also affect the thyroid.

  • Pregnancy: Some women experience an inflammation of the thyroid after they give birth. The issue typically arises shortly after delivery, and it is unclear why it happens. Postpartum thyroiditis initially causes higher than normal levels of thyroid activity before the production plummets and Hypothyroidism begins.

  • Iodine Insufficiency: A lack of iodine in the body can cause Hypothyroidism. Iodine only enters through the body from the food people eat. The body cannot manufacture it. Common sources of iodine in the diet are iodized salt, eggs, dairy, and seaweed. Crash diets or fussy eaters may struggle to get enough iodine, but it is not a widespread problem in the United States.
Contact Dr. Dana Cohen MD for Your Personalized Hypothyroidism Treatment

Contact Dr. Dana Cohen MD for Your Personalized Hypothyroidism Treatment

Dr. Cohen believes that proper evaluation of the thyroid, adrenals and hormone levels, and treatment using bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and patient-tailored supplement regimens can help resolve the root cause of the thyroid disorder, and provide the patient relief from the associated symptoms.

Please contact Dr. Cohen today!

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