Intravenous therapies can vary based on the needs of the individual receiving the treatment. The medication or fluids are delivered into the body directly into a vein. Infusion therapy enables the IV fluids to enter the body using either a pump or gravity to push the liquid through the tubes and veins.
IVs allow the individual to absorb what the treatment provides immediately. As a result, the body receives a higher dose than it would by orally taking the same formula that would need to pass through the digestive system to work.
Intravenous therapies can vary based on the needs of the individual receiving the treatment. The medication or fluids are delivered into the body directly into a vein. Infusion therapy enables the IV fluids to enter the body using either a pump or gravity to push the liquid through the tubes and veins.
IVs allow the individual to absorb what the treatment provides immediately. As a result, the body receives a higher dose than it would by orally taking the same formula that would need to pass through the digestive system to work.
People often receive an IV when they experience an injury or illness. The method of care enables people to have instant pain relief, high doses of antibiotics, or treatments for many conditions. IVs also help people who suffer dehydration during an illness receive high levels of fluids quickly. Ketamine IV treatments help to relieve pain as well as treat depression and other psychological conditions.
IV therapy today also includes health maintenance services that help boost the immune system. The fluids used in this instance deliver high doses of vitamins and minerals. People with deficiencies in a specific nutrient will instantly get a boost. Individual health needs are easy to address as the doctor can customize the IV fluid to meet the needs of each patient.
People may choose to receive IV treatments to boost their overall health or may have a specific need. Athletes, for example, may undergo treatment after an exhausting event like a marathon. The IV can instantly replenish what they lost while undertaking the physical challenge. Individuals with skin conditions may also choose the therapy to help gain hydration and flush out toxins to help boost the overall appearance of the skin.
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People do not always notice when their immune system is not as strong as needed. It is a mistake to wait until the body becomes weak enough to suffer illnesses to boost their immune system. Minor signs appear first, and acting when they appear can help people avoid the discomfort and inconvenience of sickness. Some subtle hints of a weakening immune system may include:
IV therapy may seem like another simple health or beauty treatment, but it is a medical procedure. IV therapies need medical oversight to ensure safety. They should never take place at a spa or any other non-medical location. Common side effects of the treatment are mild when managed by professionals. Patients may experience dizziness, headache, nausea, and muscle stiffness. Concerns are minor and disappear quickly. Other health issues could become more problematic if not managed by a professional.
The most common issue that people need to consider is the risk of infection. In a medical setting, all equipment that touches the skin or enters the body is sterile. Dr. Cohen will cleanse the skin before inserting the needle and wear gloves. These precautions protect against most infections, but they are not foolproof. The skin around the needle may become reddened and sore. The opening where the needle punctures the skin can allow bacteria to enter the body. The infection can happen if the wound does not stay clean consistently until it heals a few days later. The minor risk is easily prevented and heals fast when treated by a qualified physician.
Another reason to use only a reputable doctor for IV treatments is the risk of receiving more vitamins or minerals than the body needs. Potassium overdoses can cause heart attacks. Overdoses of other vitamins and minerals can cause immediate kidney damage. A quick influx of too much fluid could endanger some patients. A doctor will test the patient, know their needs, and adapt the fluids to meet those needs.
Injections can offer many of the benefits of IV treatments but may take longer and require multiple visits. Patients who fear needles may avoid IV infusions or similar injections that instantly boost vitamin and mineral levels. Some patients may gain the same benefit from oral supplements or other dietary additions. These solutions can provide adequate improvements, but they take much longer for patients to experience the benefits. In cases where there are severe insufficiencies, it is usually better to try and overcome the fear of the IV.
Patients should discuss with their doctors any medication or supplements they take. Also, mention any upcoming medical procedures scheduled by another doctor or clinic. On the day of the treatment, stay hydrated and eat normal-sized meals to avoid any dehydration or nausea caused by an empty stomach.
Comfortable clothing will make it easier for the patient to relax. The medical provider may need to access the inner elbow to insert the IV needle. Make sure the shirt sleeves are easy to move out of the way and do not constrict the arm when raised. Bring a book to read or music for personal listening. The process should take between 30-60 minutes, so alleviating boredom can be the biggest concern.
Dr. Cohen may recommend IV Therapy as part of your overall treatment plan. The treatment plan she creates for you is unique to healing the causes of the symptoms you are experiencing. Dr. Cohen balances holistic, integrative, and functional medicine techniques to diagnose and heal severe and chronic illness.
Please contact Dr. Cohen today!
Dr. Dana Cohen, MD
317 West 54th Street, Suite D. New York, NY 10019
(212) 787-1877
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317 West 54th Street, Suite D New York, NY 10019 (212) 787-1877
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